E.T. Daylily Gardens

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Future Introductions - Seedlings Currently Under Evaluation

K-186-24 (Little Ricky x Skyrockets in Flight)
K-184-24 (Kid in the Candy Store x Swingin' Miss)
K-183-24 (Janice Kennedy x Dietmar's Wisdom)
K-182-24 (Little Ricky x K-156-20)
K-171-22 (Swingin' Miss x Blame It on Tim)
K-170-22 (C-332-14 x Back to Black)
K-169-22 (Snow Crab x Alina)
K-168-22 (Melon Drops x Pat's Promise)
K-166-22 (Wayne and Carol's Love x Helicopter)
K-165-21 (Doctor Strangelove x seedling)
K-162-21 (K-129-16 x FKA Bob 265)
K-160-20 (Octomom x Larry Young's Wow)
K-156-20 seedling
K-156-20 (Little Gamecock x Pat's Legacy)
K-146-18 ((A Little Crabby x Little Lemon Twist) x Pat's Promise)
C-332-14 (Pat's Legacy x Back to Black)
C-281-10 seedling
C-281-10 (Octomom x Give Me Eight)
A Universe of potential!
C-284-10 (Octomom x Give Me Eight)

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