Fairyscape Daylilies

Christmas Coming

Ordering Information
Daylily Display List
Daylily Display List
Daylily Display List
Daylily Display List
Daylily Display List
Aurora Dust Seedlings
Browse daylilies by hybridizer


My name is Charmaine, I have been the sole owner of Fairyscape Daylilies for 13 years. I moved the business to Ottawa in May of 2011. There are some very beautiful daylilies out there, but I try to limit myself to those I have a reasonable expectation of growing here in our 5A"ish" zone. Here in Ottawa, with few exceptions, we have snow coverage from December to March/April.

This summer I plan on finding a way forward that does not include weeds. If only those were as desirable as the daylilies. Several years back, fabric and mulch was placed with great effect for a few years. Then I noticed that the mulch was supporting plants of its own. From the fenced area, my son and I laboured to remove it all. What I discovered, after much rain and sunshine, is that the layer of fabric, mulch and weeds were indeed, effectively holding back other more aggressive weeds. The next project is to go row by row and remove plants, rototill and then build up the soil (volume and nurishment) for planting and lay down newsprint and straw for suppression of anything not daylily related. I will keep you posted as to the success or failure of this effort.

   The photos are from my garden. I do not adjust for colour or hide/improve the appearance of the flowers. Any variations in colour are due to the lighing available at the time the images are captured. The only editing I do is for size and orientation. If you wish to use any of my photos, I ask that you seek my permission first, and give credit to Charmaine Payne. I would like to thank all that have visited and wish you health, happiness and most of all happy gardening.

Please email for permission to use photos Fairyscapedaylilies@gmail.com

Charmaine and Family

spring peeper




