We invite you to join the Northern Virginia Daylily Society

NVDS is a non-profit organization formed in 1995 to enhance the enjoyment of gardening with daylilies in the Northern Virginia area and support the growers of daylilies everywhere.

NVDS serves members from a wide geographic area in the northernmost region of the state of Virginia, as well as nearby Maryland and West Virginia. See our Calendar of Events for this year's meeting and event locations. ALL ARE INVITED TO ATTEND - club membership is not required. Please join us at one of our meetings, or contact us to get more information about the club and its upcoming events.

NVDS dues for individual or family memberships are $10 per year or $25 for three years. Click on this link for a printable application form: MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION

Questions? Please contact Kathleen Schloeder, NVDS Membership Chair, at kschloeder@comcast.net

Benefits of membership in NVDS:

MEETINGS/SPEAKERS - we have three business meetings per year, usually combined with a garden-related speaker or a social event. We also hold a club luncheon in the fall and invite a nationally known daylily hybridizer to give a program and to auction some of their recent introductions.

EDUCATIONAL EVENTS - we hold a daylily bloom exhibition with voting for people's choice awards and hold a walking tour of the daylily collection at Meadowlark Botanical Gardens. We provide information on growing daylilies and give hands on tips and demonstrations.

SALES - we sell daylilies donated by NVDS members at public garden events, usually at Green Spring Gardens and Meadowlark Botanical Gardens.

AUCTIONS - Two to three auctions are held per year. This is a chance to get recent daylily introductions at a fraction of their current market price

CLUB PLANT PROGRAM - NVDS members who meet eliibility requirements can grow and evaluate high value recent daylily introductions in their gardens for 2-3 years before returning the increase to be sold at a club auction.

GARDEN VISITS - Visit other member gardens during peak bloom season. See the latest daylilies from our Club Plant Program and how they perform in our area.

SHARING - Our members are very generous in sharing plants, in giving help when needed and in sharing information learned in their many decades of experience in growing and hybridizing our favorite plant, the daylily.

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